Downsizing Disrupts More Than Just Headcount—It Reshapes the Invisible Networks That Drive Organizations

When layoffs hit, who do employees turn to for advice? Our latest study dives into the hidden shifts in workplace networks during corporate downsizing. Using network theory and ERGM modeling, we examined how employees in a European IT service provider adapted their advice-seeking behavior when facing sudden restructuring. Key insights: 1: Employees reallocate advice ties …

Restructuring Healthcare: A Blueprint for Sustainable, Stakeholder-Centric Innovation

Nothing comes more close to home than care taking of others. The Dutch health system has a solid reputation as top tier when compared to many other places in the world. and rightfully so. Yet, also when things are well in place, challenges can appear on the horizon. A tiny spec at the horizon can …

Harvard Business Review Japan event: speaker on sustainable M&A strategies

It is a great honor to be invited as a speaker on sustainable M&A strategies at the prestigious Harvard Business Review Diamond event in Japan, alongside distinguished corporate leaders such as the CEO of FujiFilm and the CEO of Nestle Japan. Much looking forward to my research stay at Tokyo Institute of Technology, courtesy of …

Oratie “Innovation despite Reorganization”

In my inaugural lecture earlier this year, I demonstrated how companies rearranged themselves in times both good and bad. I discussed how they aligned their organizational structures with their strategies and changing external conditions, intervened to boost specific activities, and downsized during difficult periods. I touched on the tension between innovation and reorganization, and I …

Repair as an Imperative

Corporate restructuring – there is more than one way As part of a research project on the disruptive effect of employee downsizing, Jasper van Boven and Wilfred Dolfsma of Wageningen University, and I are working on corporate restructuring in a digital context. We therefore are certainly looking forward to the coming EGOS conference in Italy …

How Many M&A Advisors Do You Really Need? our recent publication in Harvard Business Review holds the answer

1, 2, 10? Or better not at all? In M&A it’s sort of a gamble. A gamble whether to hire advisors, because the payoff is uncertain. A gamble in terms of sharing proprietary knowledge as advisors are commonly viewed upon as hired gun, and that comes with trust issues if you are not careful. But …

The Roles of Supply Networks and Board Interlocks for Corporate Technological Entry and Exit

In the automotive industry supply networks and board interlocks are interlinked. Through stochastic actor-based modelling analysis for the longitudinal and multilevel networks of 86 firms active in the Chinese automotive, Rongkang Ma (Dalian University) and I looked into how these layered relationships jointly influence firms’ entry into new technology domains and exit from old technology …

Dancing Dynamics

Under the title ’Dancing to the Rhythm: the Dynamics of Acquisition Motive on Acquisition Programmes’, my esteemed phd student Jonas Geisen has been working hard on on a paper that adresses  corporate portfolio thinking. Zooming in one specific aspect of corporate development, the project investigates firms’ acquisitive behaviour, a mean to pair firms of selected high-tech …

Reflections on the 2022 Strategic Management Society pre conference on Behavioral Biases in Strategic Decision making

This fall prof. dr. Koen Heimeriks of Warwick Business School and I organized a well received Extension Conference on ‘Behavioral Biases and Corporate Transformation Strategies’ for the Strategic Management Society in London. Hosted by Atos London, we discussed the intriguing theme of ‘Behavioral Biases and Corporate Transformation Strategies’. With keynote speakers from Warton BusinessSchool and Pennsylvania …