
Aalbers, R., & Smit, S. (2025). Advice tie reallocation under organizational downsizing: A longitudinal network study. European Management Journal.

Aalbers, R., & van Boven, J. (2025). Navigating the digital shift: Downsizing magnitude and its timing under corporate digitalization. In R. DeWitt & S. House (Eds.), Concise Guide to Corporate Downsizing.

Geisen, J., Aalbers, R., McCarthy, K., & Schäfer, S. (2024). Corporate intrapreneurship through start-ups: Atos’ innovation ecosystem. In Cases on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (pp. 147–160). Edward Elgar Publishing.

McCarthy, K., Aalbers, R., & Cearney, K. (2025). Organising for innovation: Alliance-to-acquisition transitions and patent production. Journal of Technology Transfer.

McCarthy, K., & Aalbers, R. (2025). Pharma fusion? Don’t buy your alliance partners if the goal is breakthrough innovation. Drug Discovery Today.

Aalbers, R., McCarthy, K., Sengoku, S., & Suzuki, K. (2025). M&A strategies: How Japanese firms venture abroad. Harvard Business Review – Japan Edition.

Röttger, J., & Aalbers, R. (2024). DisclosuR: Advancing firm communication analysis through an innovative R package for enhanced textual insights. MethodsX, 13, 102909.

McCarthy, K.; R. Aalbers, and Groen, A. (2023) How Many M&A Advisors Do You Really Need? Harvard Business Review 

Aalbers, and Ma, R. (2023) The Roles of Supply Networks and Board Interlocks in Firms’ Technological Entry and Exit: Evidence from the Chinese Automotive Industry, Management and Organization Review Volume 19 Issue 2 , April 2023 , pp. 279 – 315

McCarthy, K.  & Aalbers R. (2022). Alliance-To-Acquisition Transitions: The Technological Performance Implications of Acquiring One’s Alliance Partners, Research Policy,

Aalbers R., McCarthy, K, Huisman, M, , & Roettger, J. (2022). Moving Motives: How Past and Present Strategy Influence the Market”. PLosONE,

Aalbers R., McCarthy, K. & Heimeriks, K. (2021) Market Reactions to Acquisition Announcements: The Importance of Signaling ‘Why’ and ‘Where’”. Long Range Planning,

Katoh, S., R Aalbers, S Sengoku (2021) Effects and Interactions of Researcher’s Motivation and Personality in Promoting Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research, Sustainability 13 (

Aalbers, R. , E Whelan (2021) Implementing Digitally Enabled Collaborative Innovation: A Case Study of Online and Offline Interaction in the German Automotive Industry, Creativity and Innovation Management,

Rueger, J., Dolfsma, W & Aalbers, R. (2020). Perception of Peer Advice in Online Health Communities: Access to Lay Expertise, Social Science and Medicine.

Aalbers, R. (2020) Rewiring the Intrafirm Network under Downsizing: The Role of Tie Loss on Discretionary Tie Formation, Long Range Planning, Volume 53, Issue 3, 101858

Aalbers, H.L. and Dolfsma, W.A. (2019). Resilience of Information Flow during Restructuring: Characterizing Information Value being Exchanged and the Structure of a Network under Turmoil Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Research,

Aalbers, H.L. and Dolfsma, W.A. (2018). Improving the Value-Of-Input for Ideation by Management Intervention, Journal of Engineering & Technology Management, forthcoming

Aalbers, H.L. and Klaasse B. (2018). Organising Innovative Knowledge Transfer Through Corporate Board Interlocks, in P. Murray (201) Handbook of Knowledge Management, Pelgrave.

Aalbers, H.L. and Philippou P. (2017). The Executioner’s Dilemma: Explaining role stress by ethical conflict among those that carry out a downsizing event, pp.217-235, in Adriaanse and van der Rest (2017) Companion to Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy, Routledge.

McCarthy, K. and Aalbers, H.L. (2017). Technological Acquisitions: The Impact of Geography on Post-Acquisition Innovation Performance, Research Policy, 45(9), 1818–1832

Dolfsma, W. Midavaine, J. & Aalbers, H.L. (2016). Board Diversity and R&D Investment. Management Decision.

Aalbers, H.L., Whelan, E., Parise, S., & Vialle, C. (2016). The Perils of Democratic Decision Making. Ivey Business Journal, Jan/Feb issue.

Aalbers, H.L., Dolfsma, W. & Leenders, R.Th.A.J. (2016). Vertical and Horizontal Cross-Ties: Benefits of Cross-Hierarchy and Cross-Unit Ties for Innovative Project Teams. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33(2), 141-153.

Aalbers, H.L., & Dolfsma, W.A. (2015). Bridging Firm-Internal Unit Boundaries for Innovation: Communication Orientation and Brokering Roles, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management.

Aalbers, H.L., W. Dolfsma & R. Blinde-Leerintveld (2014). Firm Reorganization: Social Control or Social Contract. Journal of Economic Issues, 48 (2), 451-460.

Aalbers, H.L. & W. Dolfsma (2014). Innovation despite Reorganization. Journal of Business Strategy, 35 (3) 18-25.

Aalbers, H.L., W. Dolfsma & O. Koppius (2014). Rich Ties and Innovative Knowledge Transfer within a Firm. British Journal of Management, 23 (1), 96-109.

Aalbers, H.L., Dolfsma W. and Koppius, O. (2013). Individual Positioning in Innovation Networks: on the Role of Individual Motivation. Research Policy, 42 (3), 624-634.

Aalbers, H.L., W. A. Dolfsma & O. Koppius (2012). Innovation Networks: How innovation can spread through formal and informal communication networks. Communication Director, 4/2012.

Whelan, E., Parise, S., De Valk, J. & Aalbers, H.L. (2011).Creating Employee Networks That Deliver Open Innovation.MIT Sloan Management Review, 53 (1), 37-44. (Award winning).

Aalbers, H.L. (2010). The Role of Contracts and Trust in R&D Alliances in the Dutch Biotech Sector. Innovation: ManagementPolicy and Practice, 12 (3), 311-329.

Key scientific publications (books and book chapters)

Aalbers H.L., Adriaanse J.A.A., Rest J.I. van der & Wersch F.E. van (2018), Bankruptcy and Post-Bankruptcy Employment Retention: Evidence from the Dutch Insolvency Field. In: Gant J.L.L. (red.) The Rise of Preventive Restructuring Schemes: Challenges and Opportunities. Nottingham-Paris: INSOL Europe. 41-54.

Aalbers, L. and Klaasse, B. (2018), Organizing Innovative Knowledge Transfer Through Corporate Board Interlocks, Chapter 15), in Murray, P (eds) (2018) The Palgrave Handbook of Knowledge Management (Springer/Palgrave Macmillan).

Aalbers, L. and Philippou P. (2017). The Executioner’s Dilemma: Explaining role stress by ethical conflict among those that carry out a downsizing event, pp.217-235, in Adriaanse and

van der Rest (2017) Companion to Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy, Routledge.

AaInnovation networks - Routledge 2015lbers, H.L., & Dolfsma, W.A. (2015). Innovation Networks: Managing the networked organization, Routledge, London, New York, ISBN-13: 978-1138796973. (Monograph).

Aalbers, H.L. & Kamp, A.C. (20105). Stakeholder Positioning And Cultural Diversity In The Creative Sector: A Case Study Of The London Modern Architecture Scène. In Erbe, N. and  A. H. Normore (eds)  Cross-cultural Collaboration and Leadership in Modern Organizations (Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development, IGI publishers.

Aalbers, H.L. & Dolfsma, W.A. (2015). Organizations as Social Networks , pp. 462-475, In: Davis, J.B. and Dolfsma, W.A. (eds.), Edward Elgar Companion to Social Economics, 2nd edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Aalbers, H.L. (2012). Organizing intra-organizational networks for innovation, Dissertation University of Groningen, ISBN 978-90-367-5658-7.

Aalbers, H.L., Dolfsma. W.A., & Koppius, O. (2008). Knowledge Exchange in Networks Within-Firm Analysis. In: Dolfsma, W.A.,Knowledge Economies (pp. 48-65). Routledge London, New York.

Aalbers, H.L. & Dolfsma, W.A. (2008). Social Networks: Structure and Content. In: Davis, J.B. and Dolfsma, W.A. (eds.),Companion to Social Economics (pp. 390-405). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.


Winner ofthe 2014 ROA Professional Publication Prize.Best Sutch Business administration article of the year: Aalbers, H.L. and J. de Valk (2014). De Adaptieve Organisatie, Management & Organisatie, pp. 5-18.

Recipient of the 2012 Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize with Eoin Whelan, Sal Parise and Jasper de Valk, for the paper “Creating Employee Networks That Can Deliver Open Innovation ” (Volume 52 of MIT Sloan Management Review). The prize is awarded by a jury of MIT faculty to the authors of the most outstanding SMR article on planned change and organizational development published in the previous year.

Recipient of the PhD Best Thesis Award 2012 SOM Research School – University of Groningen.

Key Dutch publications and (inter)national blogs

Aalbers, R.; Adriaanse, J. Rest, JP; Boon, GJ; (2020) Reviewing Pre-Packed Bankruptcies: Does It Create Value for Employees? Oxford Business Law Blog,,2020, Oxford University

M Aalbers, R Aalbers (2018), Mogelijke sanctie vanuit de Europese Commissie na afschaffing dividendbelasting, Me Judice,

Aalbers, H.L. (2017). Gestapelde netwerken: een case study. Holland Management Review, 31 (1), 171 – 175

Aalbers, H.L. and McCarty, K. (2016). Marktreacties op de aankondiging van een technologische acquisitie. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 90(4)

Aalbers, H.L. and Dolfsma, W. (2014). Sociale reorganisatie en bedrijfsresultaat. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 88(4). pp. 157-162.

Aalbers, H.L. and J. de Valk (2014). De Adaptieve Organisatie.Management & Organisatie, pp. 5-18.

Aalbers, H.L., L. Noordman, M. van den Heuvel and Tekin H. (2014). De Relevantie Van Transparantie: Pre-Pack In Nederland. Merger & Acquisitions Magazine (Dutch).

Aalbers, H.L. and Dolfsma, W.A. (2013). Innovatie ondanks reorganisatie. Merger & Acquisitions Magazine (Dutch).

Aalbers, R., Deering, S. and Van Rooijen, R. (2013). Wie maakt de dienst uit?: De impact van online gemeenschappen op organisatorische besluitvorming. Tijdschrift voor Informatie en Management /Keynotes, April issue (Dutch).

Aalbers, H.L. and Dolfsma, W.A. (2012). De Balancerende Innovatiescout. Management Scope (Dutch).

Aalbers H.L., Blok, J. and Molendijk, K.J. (2010). Sociale Netwerkanalyse in Projecten. Projectie (Dutch).

Aalbers, H.L. (2008). De Kracht van de Derde Ronde: Organisatie Netwerk Analyse als Instrument voor (Re)Organisatie. Management Rendement (Dutch).

Van Dullemen, J., van Ierland D., and Aalbers, H.L. (2007). De prijs van een architectuur – de kracht van financiële modellering en bedrijfsarchitectuur binnen de verzekeringswereld. Tijdschrift voor Informatie en Management(Dutch).

Aalbers, H.L. and van der Horst, R. (2007). IT Governance in a Networked World: Coördinatie bij Netwerkparticipatie.Tijdschrift voor Informatie en Management (Dutch).

Aalbers, H.L., R. van der Horst, Tuin, E. (2006). Gestructureerd innoveren, In: Hofman, P. & E. Tuin (2006). Het speelveld van de CIO: omgaan met dilemma’s, Tutein Nolthenius Publishers (Dutch).

Research Grants (National and International / EU)

2018 – 2022 EC H2020-MSCA-ITN Grant – ‘FINDER’ Foster Innovation Networks in a Digital Era – 1.8 Mio Euro – Principal Investigator

2018 – NWO KIEM Grant – ‘Collaborative Networks as a Safety Net in the Performing Arts: A Network Based Approach to Employment Resilience in a Struggling Sector’ – 25K Euro – Principal Investigator

2018 – NWO Sustainable Business Models II Grant – ‘Transitions towards more sustainable business models in a complex stakeholder field’ – Co-Investigator – 120K Euro 

2014 – Recipient of the ROA Professional Publication Prize. Best Dutch Business administration article of the year: Aalbers, H.L. and J. de Valk (2014). De Adaptieve Organisatie, Management & Organisatie, pp. 5-18.